Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Apa nah?? (old posts)

Sometimes the best pleasures in life is the simple things.. 

Things people don't realize until they really need to then it's too late.. 
I'm not talking about cheap thrills, watching horror flicks 
or the act of jumping on trampolines full of springs..  

The thing i'm trying to describe i bet people do it everyday  
some even doing it more times more than how many times they prey.. 

the process of doing it seems like a ritual. 
the place to proceed it seems like it's temple you might even feel like a king as some people might feel like there sitting on their throne.. 

but as you get older if you do it to much people might label you as accident prone...  
you can do it while reading why with technology this days you can even do it while surfing on the net.. once i even did it while sleeping ... 

and i promise you if you figure what this is about you won't ever forget..  

The end product might make you wonder you might be surprise at what you see.. 

some might even feel disgusted and ponder.. at how the hell it could possibly be..

One might even be so proud i'm not lying.. 

this one guy even took a picture and showed it to me..  

As rituals are there's a beginning and an end you push on a certain lever then you will hear a sound the sound of a battle cry signaling your victory..  

if you might forget the last part you might just pretend.. and if people asked 

"who the fuck! did that?" just say" it's not me"  

I'm going to tell you what it is but you still have to guess it's similar to taking a piss but to compare it's pure bliss there is no contest...