Friday, July 3, 2009


Art is not just a drawing but part of who an artist is

Thursday, July 2, 2009


THE recent art exhibition organised by G4S at the Sheraton Hotel gave a glimpse of the world which many have not known existed.

The artworks displayed were magnificent but what it represented held greater impact. Ideas, emotions and social criticisms can be seen reflected in the various canvas, frames and sculptures.

General manager Ambrose Nathan of G4S, the company organising the exhibition, said: "Art can be a foundation in developing an individual's identity which can contribute to an individual's emotional development."

The art group consisted of two teachers, one Fine Arts graduate, and five IB Visual Art graduates.


IB Visual Art graduate Mark Chong said that his work was a reflection of his personality.

He added: "My artworks are often blunt and naturally convey an atmosphere of melancholy. I've taken influences from pop culture and the era that I live in; from the grim, foreboding atmospheres of horror films to the narrative and compelling stories of contemporary novels and comics."


He added: "The works are not only a chronicle of the rocky road taken from teenage to adulthood but also an insight into personal fears unbounded by age, class or race."

Adam Hanif was one who was not bounded by the limit of his abilities.

He said: "The artworks that I've done during my years in the International Baccalaureate course have been a journey based around my personality, lifestyle, events and influences that affected me in changes; a time of self discovery as it synchronises with my maturing age. By using photography as my most skilled medium, I am able to convey my perceptions of anything I encounter."

Ayeshah Ahmad's passion and belief for art helped her greatly in exploring and portraying her expressions, while taking a look at society as well as her inner self.

"Over the 18 months of doing the International Baccalaureate course, I have come to develop artworks mostly involving people around me and the different ways that they are perceived."


Art does not limit itself to capturing beauty; it is also about personal experiences and accounts of the artists themselves. Artist Isa chose to portray his emotions in the form of a sculpture personifying the negatives found in his life and displaying it for all to see.

Others, such as Khalisa Ahmad, chose to portray the subtle beauties that no one would ever notice with the naked eye. Her works of floral sketches is unique with detailed precision of intricate lines giving more depth and elegance in what people would normally see as a simple flower.


Jason Chung is an art teacher who graduated from the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) with a degree in art (fashion).

The former St Michael School student said that his passion for designing never ceased throughout his time managing his family's business. He has now found a way to express his love for art through imparting knowledge and experience as an art teacher.

The artwork he displayed at the exhibition showed his passion for fashion and love for art merged as one.

Ben Peacocke an art teacher for nine years in the Sultanate with a degree in Art Education had messages in his work, such as "A place in the sun", "But are you happy?" and "Primate" — all addressing the greed many have to make and spend money.

The "9 faces of heaven" is simply a celebration of nine Year 11 ISB girls that he had taught for the past five years and who reminded him of why he enjoyed teaching.

Clearly, art is not just a drawing, a picture or even a slab of material. It is part of who the artist is.


(Text taken from the Brunei Times website